Podcast Archives - Wishfish https://www.wishfish.org.uk/tag/podcast/ Wishing Is Just The Beginning... Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:14:11 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/logo-icon-80x80.png Podcast Archives - Wishfish https://www.wishfish.org.uk/tag/podcast/ 32 32 Secrets from a Coach podcast celebrates 200th episode https://www.wishfish.org.uk/secrets-from-a-coach-podcast-celebrates-200th-episode/ Fri, 30 Aug 2024 14:10:35 +0000 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/?p=24884 The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training today celebrates its 200th episode. Marking a journey that began during lockdown, the podcast has since seen 44,000 downloads. The first episode on imposter syndrome, which remains one of their most popular, has received 770 downloads to date. Since then, the team has gone from strength to strength, committing to weekly recordings with special guests covering topics to help listeners in the world of work. Episode 200 is part of the Summer Happy Hour series – consisting of quick 10 min shots to refresh during the summer heat – the ‘Grin and Tonic’ episode looks at finding, preserving and creating positive energy to bring back to the workplace post-summer holidays. Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “We’re incredibly proud to have reached our 200th episode and grateful to all our listeners for their continued support. The feedback we regularly receive is that the Secrets from a Coach podcast is now an integral part of team meetings, workshops and personal development work. We’re pleased to be inspiring listeners to thrive and maximise their potential in the workplace […]

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast celebrates 200th episode appeared first on Wishfish.

The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training today celebrates its 200th episode.

Marking a journey that began during lockdown, the podcast has since seen 44,000 downloads. The first episode on imposter syndrome, which remains one of their most popular, has received 770 downloads to date. Since then, the team has gone from strength to strength, committing to weekly recordings with special guests covering topics to help listeners in the world of work.

Episode 200 is part of the Summer Happy Hour series – consisting of quick 10 min shots to refresh during the summer heat – the ‘Grin and Tonic’ episode looks at finding, preserving and creating positive energy to bring back to the workplace post-summer holidays.

Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “We’re incredibly proud to have reached our 200th episode and grateful to all our listeners for their continued support. The feedback we regularly receive is that the Secrets from a Coach podcast is now an integral part of team meetings, workshops and personal development work. We’re pleased to be inspiring listeners to thrive and maximise their potential in the workplace – and look forward to the next two hundred!”

Recent key themes for the podcast include:

July: Customer Service Excellence

July’s first episode marked the mid-year point with a reminder about the power of taking a moment to pause, process and reflect on the past six months to set up well for the next. The Stoics practised the art of ‘savouring’ our past successes to boost confidence, endurance and energy to face the future challenges and opportunities.

Debs and Lau then moved onto a three-part mini-series about customer service and the role it plays in enabling organisations to thrive now and into the future. As more service experiences are becoming automated or augmented, for example with AI-enabled chatbots, being human is fast becoming the premium service differentiator. So how can we maximise every moment when providing a service experience with a customer, client, patient, passenger, student or internal stakeholder?

August: Summer Happy Hour

This month, Debs and Lau enjoyed a Summer Happy Hour, where learning is free and there’s enough for everyone. Episodes during August were a quick 10 min shot to refresh and reset your intention, delicious content mixed with some cool beach bar music vibes.

As ever, the podcast is bursting with practical ideas for boosting or sustaining motivation. Ideal sundowner for those wanting a supportive and inspirational pep talk.

August’s episodes cover:

  1. Mojo Mojito (10 mins shot on motivation)
  2. People Colada (10 mins shot on compassion)
  3. Aperformance Spritz (10 mins shot on performance)
  4. Expressive Martini (10 mins shot on communication)
  5. Grin and Tonic (10 mins shot on energy)

September: Confidence

Debs and Lau explore confidence during September, from developing strong inner confidence for outer presence to overcoming bullying bosses and the trauma they wreak.

Confidence is essential to our success at work and in life – and the pair take a deep dive into the part it plays in enabling us to be able to achieve our hopes and dreams.

Practical steps to pursuing your career dream and best practices for stepping up as a first-time leader are also included in this month’s discussions, alongside a series of special guests sharing their own stories and advice too.

Lasting a snackable 30 minutes, making it ideal for the commute, lunch break or even a well-deserved break for self-care and development, Secrets from a Coach offers practical learning based on current realities. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, focusing on positive actions to help you thrive and maximise your potential in the ever-evolving workplace, and in life.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout.

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast celebrates 200th episode appeared first on Wishfish.

Secrets from a Coach podcast: Being human in an AI workplace https://www.wishfish.org.uk/secrets-from-a-coach-podcast-being-human-in-an-ai-workplace/ Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:12:07 +0000 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/?p=24886 The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training explore ways to stay ahead at work in the advent of automation, digitisation, hybrid working and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The duo will also look at how to have the power and confidence to embrace new opportunities in your career and the importance of making time for the human moments. Each episode gives practical tips and techniques to help you be your best. Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “Our podcast topics dive into ways we can keep our humanness alive and find our personal edge at work and in life, when robots, AI and automation have become entrenched in businesses globally. Now is the time to consider the value you offer alongside AI, and then maximise that potential for future career success.” April: Future Ready, Today As the waves of change due to automation, digitisation, hybrid working and AI continue to wash through the world of work, Debs and Lau take a practical and proactive look at what we can do today to set up well for the future. Every day we hear about the impact […]

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast: Being human in an AI workplace appeared first on Wishfish.

The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training explore ways to stay ahead at work in the advent of automation, digitisation, hybrid working and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The duo will also look at how to have the power and confidence to embrace new opportunities in your career and the importance of making time for the human moments. Each episode gives practical tips and techniques to help you be your best.

Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “Our podcast topics dive into ways we can keep our humanness alive and find our personal edge at work and in life, when robots, AI and automation have become entrenched in businesses globally. Now is the time to consider the value you offer alongside AI, and then maximise that potential for future career success.”

April: Future Ready, Today

As the waves of change due to automation, digitisation, hybrid working and AI continue to wash through the world of work, Debs and Lau take a practical and proactive look at what we can do today to set up well for the future. Every day we hear about the impact of tech as we head towards 2030: we take a can-do look at what that means for how we prioritise what and how we approach work right now.

Back in 2018 McKinsey’s Global Trends report predicted 14% of the world’s workforce may need to switch occupational categories. Many of the classic ‘vertical’ professions are now required to work in much more holistic and creative ways as organisations reshape and transform. It’s still you, but with small adaptations week by week to enable our skills to evolve over time. Learning is a great antidote to shift worries into focus or anxiety into creativity.

A good listen whatever stage of a career, or ideas for running meetings that empower others through times of rapid change. Episodes will cover keeping successful whilst your job is transforming, the role of learning in setting up well for the future, looking out for everyday opportunities to learn and develop and bringing the benefits of mentoring and coaching to everyday life.

May: Redefining Careers

From the benefits of having different experiences to enable more choice as you progress along your journey, to having the power and confidence to embrace new opportunities.

Whether planned or unplanned, actively seeking new experiences gives us more resilience if options suddenly change (recessions, redundancies etc) and keeps us empowered and confident to leave if we are not happy in our current role.

This discussion will explore how skills are often transferable and therefore we can keep empowered in the knowledge that you can shift industries or levels if you want to. Your technical expertise will only get you so far, at some point you must be able to work with people, and this lightbulb moment can liberate us to realise we always have a choice.

Debs and Lau will be joined by special guests including Andy Pule who shares his advice for having different experiences, Matt Sims shared his experience becoming a solo-preneur focusing on his passion and purpose, and Siobhan Anderson who shared her journey overcoming academic self-doubt through mentorship and skill enhancement.

From the benefits of having different experiences to enable more choice as you progress along your journey to having the power and confidence to leave if we are not happy in what we are doing.

Episodes will cover career diversity gives you choices later, creating career lightbulb moments, shifting from employee to solo-preneur, how to nourish your network to flourish your career and

setting up your ‘career Fitbit’ to track your own development.

June: Maximising Personal Touch

In a world that is becoming increasingly automated, with AI now an everyday term, Debs and Lau explore how to remain empowered and confident. They share insights into the importance of making time for the human moments, bringing our personal touch to the interaction and how to balance the tasks we complete with the impact we create.

Many workplaces are demanding quicker and deeper levels of innovation, focus, creativity and problem-solving. As Apple unleashes AI in 1 billion smartphones across the planet (reported 11 June 2024), what role will human thinking have in the ever-changing world of work now and into the future? They explore practical tips for looking after your ability to think clearly (use it or lose it) and strategies for helping self and others to process information to apply accurately and flexibly.

As AI powers up around us, remaining empowered in our ability to think and bring our human edge to a situation is vital for personal wellness, team morale and industry confidence in how we navigate these new human/machine pathways ahead of us. Episodes will cover being human in an AI workplace, maximising your cognitive potential, thinking quickly on your feet and how coaching is the enabler for maximising human touch.

Lasting a snackable 30 minutes, making it ideal for the commute, lunch break or even a well-deserved break for self-care and development, Secrets from a Coach offers practical learning based on current realities. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, focusing on positive actions to help you thrive and maximise your potential in the ever-evolving workplace, and in life.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout.


The post Secrets from a Coach podcast: Being human in an AI workplace appeared first on Wishfish.

Secrets from a Coach podcast: Protecting ourselves from burnout https://www.wishfish.org.uk/secrets-from-a-coach-podcast-protecting-ourselves-from-burnout/ Wed, 06 Mar 2024 13:34:03 +0000 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/?p=23343 The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training has kicked off the year by setting motivating goals and honing an optimistic mindset in January, working smarter and being effective in a hybrid working world in February, and how to manage feeling burnt out and overwhelmed in March. Each episode gives practical tips and techniques to help you be your best. Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “Our podcast topics give listeners a sense of resilience, kindness and optimism about the year ahead. We’re only in month three of a new year and already regularly hearing the words ‘burnt out’ and ‘overwhelmed’. We want to shine a light on the struggles many of us are facing daily and explore how we can protect ourselves and others from experiencing this at work and home. Too many of us forget to make the most out of our year, and we talk about why it’s so important to stop and think about what we want to achieve. By listening to our podcasts, we want our listeners to thrive, not just survive.” January: Motivating goals & optimistic mindsets The Secrets […]

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast: Protecting ourselves from burnout appeared first on Wishfish.

The Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training has kicked off the year by setting motivating goals and honing an optimistic mindset in January, working smarter and being effective in a hybrid working world in February, and how to manage feeling burnt out and overwhelmed in March. Each episode gives practical tips and techniques to help you be your best.

Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “Our podcast topics give listeners a sense of resilience, kindness and optimism about the year ahead. We’re only in month three of a new year and already regularly hearing the words ‘burnt out’ and ‘overwhelmed’. We want to shine a light on the struggles many of us are facing daily and explore how we can protect ourselves and others from experiencing this at work and home. Too many of us forget to make the most out of our year, and we talk about why it’s so important to stop and think about what we want to achieve. By listening to our podcasts, we want our listeners to thrive, not just survive.”

January: Motivating goals & optimistic mindsets

The Secrets from a Coach team kicks off the year by taking a dive into how best to set motivating goals that focus on the opportunities all around us. By adopting an optimistic mindset, we can overcome any challenges that our own personal saboteurs want to throw our way.

The key to creating great goals is to first establish where you are now and where you want to be.  Then with a plan you can break down your overarching goals into smaller, manageable tasks to tackle one at a time.

Having an optimistic mindset and a can-do approach helps you strive towards your goals. An abundance mindset points the focus to growth and success, rather than limitations and obstacles. So, if along the way we’re faced with an obstacle we can view it as an opportunity for learning and innovation, so we can approach our goals with confidence and positivity.

February: Effective hybrid working

In February, Debs and Lau explored how we can be effective in a hybrid working world, manage our time efficiently and get the best out of ourselves and our teams. Time management has always been a ‘hot’ topic. Now more than ever being able to navigate our way through a mixture of in-person and virtual worlds is a skill we all need to master as it becomes our new normal.

It’s important to establish a daily routine that incorporates both remote and in-office work hours. Knowing what time you can allocate to key activities, such as meetings, focused work and breaks (super important to remember!) will help you to thrive. Empowering yourself to set boundaries, communicating your intentions when it comes to your schedule, availability and progress on tasks is key.

Special guest, Kate Maddison-Greenwell shares her research which suggests 76% of managers do not feel equipped with the skills for hybrid working. Balancing flexibility with the need to align and organise a team, Kate shares her framework which sums up the best practices that enable hybrid success. A must listen.

March: How to avoid burnout

Shining a light on burnout and overwhelm in March, the team explores how you can protect yourself and others from experiencing it. They discuss how to stay mentally well when your workload is high and how to have proactive conversations around workload.

Special guest, Alexis Neighbour, shares her observations about burnout indicators and measures to overcome them. It’s important to identify tasks that are overwhelming, understanding your priorities and being clear on what’s expected of you in your role.

The art of delegation and how it can significantly help alleviate overwhelm is discussed too. Prioritising our wellbeing and productivity starts with gathering the information that identifies what work may be able to be distributed among others. Being able to delegate less critical tasks to others means you’re able to focus on your priorities.

Lasting a snackable 30 minutes, making it ideal for the commute, lunch break or even a well-deserved break for self-care and development, Secrets from a Coach offers practical learning based on current realities. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, focusing on positive actions to help you thrive and maximise your potential in the ever-evolving workplace, and in life.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout.

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast: Protecting ourselves from burnout appeared first on Wishfish.

Secrets from a Coach podcast takes a mid-year wellness check in https://www.wishfish.org.uk/secrets-from-a-coach-podcast-takes-a-mid-year-wellness-check-in/ Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:39:17 +0000 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/?p=20683 This Spring, the Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training, take a mid-year wellness maintenance check in. Taking a deep dive to help you assess your personal progress since January and what you need to do next for success, with extra advice from special guests. Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “The new series of Secrets from a Coach is not to be missed if you want to make the most of the next six months. If you’ve wavered off track slightly or a lot – now is the time to check in on your goals and wellbeing to correct your course and set yourself up to thrive this year.” The team will also be discussing how to tackle difficult people and conversations, they will be reading four key mindful manager books to help you get ahead and will be noodling into our minds looking at how to manage an optimistic mindset, handling self-doubt and saying no in a positive way. April: mindful manager The April four-part series looks at key learnings from four influential mindful manager books. Ideal for those people who don’t […]

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast takes a mid-year wellness check in appeared first on Wishfish.

This Spring, the Secrets from a Coach podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training, take a mid-year wellness maintenance check in. Taking a deep dive to help you assess your personal progress since January and what you need to do next for success, with extra advice from special guests.

Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “The new series of Secrets from a Coach is not to be missed if you want to make the most of the next six months. If you’ve wavered off track slightly or a lot – now is the time to check in on your goals and wellbeing to correct your course and set yourself up to thrive this year.”

The team will also be discussing how to tackle difficult people and conversations, they will be reading four key mindful manager books to help you get ahead and will be noodling into our minds looking at how to manage an optimistic mindset, handling self-doubt and saying no in a positive way.

April: mindful manager

The April four-part series looks at key learnings from four influential mindful manager books. Ideal for those people who don’t have time to read but still want to learn. If you haven’t got time to think about these topics – now is the time to listen in and get a quick digest – with practical skills, tools and strategies to help you.

The books discussed this month include:

Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour (or, How to Understand Those Who Cannot Be Understood) Paperback

– by Thomas Erikson

This book offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with – in and out of the office. Helping you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. It’s based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way(s) we speak and share information.

Four Thousand Weeks: Time and how to use it

– by Oliver Burkeman

Four Thousand Weeks is an uplifting, engrossing and deeply realistic exploration of the challenge. Rejecting the futile modern obsession with ‘getting everything done,’ it introduces readers to tools for constructing a meaningful life by embracing rather than denying their limitations.

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

– by Leil Lowndes

This book explores how to perfect your people skills in a fun, witty and informative guide, containing 92 little tricks to create big success in personal and business relationships. In How To Talk To Anyone, bestselling relationships author and internationally renowned life coach Leil Lowndes reveals the secrets and psychology behind successful communication.

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph

– by Ryan Holiday

The book draws its inspiration from stoicism, the ancient Greek philosophy of enduring pain or adversity with perseverance and resilience. Stoics focus on the things they can control, let go of everything else, and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger and tougher. If you’re feeling frustrated, demoralised, or stuck in a rut, this book can help you turn your problems into your biggest advantages.

May: mid-year wellness maintenance check

In May the team takes a beat to assess progress so far this year and what needs to happen next to thrive in 2023. Each episode is joined by a special guest sharing their wisdom, expertise and advice.

Health, fitness and wellness expert, Matt Vale, joins Debs and Lau to discuss how to make the right decisions to consistently maintain your mental and physical wellness. They look at how we can sustain change, achieve goals and get back on track if we’ve lost our way. They’ll give advice about how to overcome a negative mindset, make the right decisions for you and share tools about how to do your own maintenance wellness check.

Lindsey Thompson Wright, joins the second episode this month.

Lindsey Thompson Wright, coach and facilitator, joins the second episode this month to share her advice on keeping fit and well in a corporate environment. Founded in the concepts behind Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis (TA) theory, the team discusses how to look after your health and wellbeing while at work, both in the office or at home, and get the very best out of it. Looking ahead to the Summer and Autumn, they’ll tackle the best ways to deal with different personalities, how to improve the scripts we tell ourselves, and how to implement TA tools for better interactions and outcomes at work.

Jim ‘The Coach Guy’ Totczyk is on a mission

Jim ‘The Coach Guy’ Totczyk is on a mission to provide a better understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle, overcome personal challenges, and have better headspaces to improve life/work boundaries. All the while performing at the highest level. His view is that when you look in the mirror – that’s your biggest competition. This episode explores how to overcome restrictive negative thoughts and maintain good boundaries, while living a compassionate and harmonious existence.

Melanie Yea, joins Debs and Lau to explore inner wellness.

Facilitator & NLP Master Practitioner, Melanie Yea, joins Debs and Lau to explore inner wellness from an NLP perspective. How important is it? What are the unhelpful scripts we listen to? How is our inner critic sending us off track? They’ll share tips and tricks about how to dial up your own personal inner coach to live our lives well.

June: you and your mind

Following several recent coaching conversations with GenZ’ers, the team has found a surprisingly low optimistic mindset about their lives and emerging futures. In June, the team looks at why having an optimistic mindset is essential for a happy and healthy life, and how the way you see yourself and your personal level of accountability dramatically impacts wellbeing.

Key topics discussed include how to refocus to an optimistic mindset, handling self-doubt, saying no in a positive way, how best to achieve what you actually want in life, and how to transition from imposter to empowerment.

Lasting a snackable 30 minutes, making it ideal for the commute, lunch break or even a well-deserved break for self-care and development, Secrets from a Coach offers practical learning based on current realities. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, focusing on positive actions to help you thrive and maximise your potential in the ever-evolving workplace, and in life.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout.



About Secrets from a Coach

Secrets from a Coach is a podcast hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training, launched in September 2020, the podcast has over 25,000 downloads and 4.9/5 star rating on Spotify. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, to help listeners thrive and maximise their potential in the evolving workplace.

Leaving you feeling motivated, supported and armed with practical tools and skills, Secrets from a Coach looks to help you maximise your confidence and success as we continue to experience the biggest work and career shift seen in our lifetime. It lifts the lid on the real foundations for success in this new world of work.

With over 100 episodes available to revisit anytime the podcast library archive includes discussions on resilience, change, leadership, careers, motivation, mental health, time management, hybrid working and confidence.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout

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For more information visit: www.secretsfromacoach.com

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast takes a mid-year wellness check in appeared first on Wishfish.

Secrets from a Coach podcast helps listeners to start strong in 2023 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/secrets-from-a-coach-podcast-helps-listeners-to-start-strong-in-2023/ Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:15:12 +0000 https://www.wishfish.org.uk/?p=20410 Celebrating its 100-episode milestone to kick off the new year, the Secrets from a Coach podcast helps listeners to start year strong. Hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training. The duo will be discussing how to start as you mean to go on, future proofing our human edge and team working for success in early 2023. Each week the podcast will explore the importance of setting yourself up well for the year ahead and knowing that you’ve got what you need in your team toolkit to thrive. The topics for January, February and March include: January: start as you mean to go on The January four-part series explores how to set intent for the now, the near and the future. By being able to identify what’s important to you to create a plan that enables a sense of freedom and focus, within a framework to keep you on track, as you navigate your way through the new year. Rather than function on autopilot, they’ll discuss how setting your intent gives you choice, opportunities and possibilities as you head into 2023 and beyond. Recognising that employee engagement is a hot topic regardless […]

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast helps listeners to start strong in 2023 appeared first on Wishfish.

Celebrating its 100-episode milestone to kick off the new year, the Secrets from a Coach podcast helps listeners to start year strong. Hosted by wellness coach Debbie Green at Wishfish and TEDx speaker Laura Thomson-Staveley at Phenomenal Training. The duo will be discussing how to start as you mean to go on, future proofing our human edge and team working for success in early 2023.

Each week the podcast will explore the importance of setting yourself up well for the year ahead and knowing that you’ve got what you need in your team toolkit to thrive.

The topics for January, February and March include:

January: start as you mean to go on

The January four-part series explores how to set intent for the now, the near and the future.

By being able to identify what’s important to you to create a plan that enables a sense of freedom and focus, within a framework to keep you on track, as you navigate your way through the new year. Rather than function on autopilot, they’ll discuss how setting your intent gives you choice, opportunities and possibilities as you head into 2023 and beyond.

Recognising that employee engagement is a hot topic regardless of the time of year. The podcast will also discuss how employee engagement is a two-way street. Understanding your people, delivering on promises, being visible, clarity around vision and valuing each contribution your people make can help engagement to soar.

February: future proofing our human edge

The February podcast series looks at ways to continue to be your best self and on top of your game, regardless of the changes and new innovations that are coming your way in the workplace.

As Chat GPT takes over the world, the podcast focuses on the things we can do to maintain our everyday human-edge skills that cannot be replicated by robots. Looking at better ways to connect, innovate, engage and empower, February is not only a celebration of love but knowing how to get the best out of everyday conversations to build stronger.

Using our human skills of caring, creativity, collaboration and curiosity, Secrets from a Coach looks at ways to have engaging and motivating conversations. As well as how to develop, review and improve on ideas. No robot can do that quite yet!

Special guest this month is Dr Trudi Taylor a qualified professional coach, coach supervisor and Human and Organisational Performance Change Partner, who shares her wisdom and experience of creating collaborative conversations.

MARCH: all about the team

Exploring the world of teams, March looks at shifting conversations above the ‘drama line’ to setting a team up for success.

Now more than ever, we’re being asked to work at a fast pace, with less resources, so we need to know how to minimise politics and maximise pace. Whether you’re in a hybrid working environment, face to face or a mix of the two – matrix working is the new norm. Knowing how to empower our teams is a key skill for all leaders, but it’s down to each and every one of us to be accountable for clearly conveying a message.

Collaboration and showing care

It’s all about collaboration and showing how we care about others. So, whether you are new into your organisation or moved from another department – you will learn the skills to make or break the relationships through your words, actions, behaviour and attitude.

Discovering how to create a team that works together and thrives, regardless of the challenges or opportunities it’s presented with, means that work can be a place that enables you to be your best self and enables others to do the same.

Debbie Green, wellness coach and podcast host, said: “Secrets from a Coach looks to accompany and help you to get through your day in a way that is conversational, insightful and practical. We want to provide a space for you to stop and think about your current approach and see if you need to add, delete or tweak any of your current behaviours to be an even better version of you, at work or home. With wellness at the heart of everything we do, take some time to listen in, learn and enjoy!”

Lasting a snackable 30 minutes, making it ideal for the commute, lunch break or even a well-deserved break for self-care and development, Secrets from a Coach offers practical learning based on current realities. A brand-new episode is published every Friday lunchtime, focusing on positive actions to help you thrive and maximise your potential in the ever-evolving workplace, and in life.

Tune in to Secrets from a Coach podcast – via Spotify or Buzzsprout

For more information check out the Secrets from a Coach website.

The post Secrets from a Coach podcast helps listeners to start strong in 2023 appeared first on Wishfish.
